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Watson, Brad
Signs Publishing Company
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“David plunged downward, unable to process the whirling blur of rock and sky. He came to a juddering halt, wedged between the canyon wall and a boulder that was as tall as him. David groaned as he glanced down. Several metres below him, the water-swept floor of the cavern glistened in the dark. If he slipped, he would plummet headfirst onto the unforgiving rock. David felt himself slipping and tried to brace himself, as searing pain spread through his left shoulder.”

Things were looking up for David—his family was back together, he had great friends and a new, beautiful girl was on the scene. But all of that was about to change.

At home, school and in the wilds of a deep canyon, David comes face-to-face with life’s biggest challenges and quickly learns that real success and happiness don’t always come easy.

David’s Triumph is a story of love, loss, making decisions and finding the strength to carry on.

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