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Wright, James
Signs Publishing Company
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This is the first of five volumes of Family Medical Care, part of the Family Lifestyle Series.

Volume 1 begins the story of the road to parenthood with a discussion on relationships, then covers the reproduction story from A to Z, and concludes with advice for a new mother. Covers:

Marriage and Partnerships: Getting to know you, setting up a new home, when babies come, planning finances, the importance of compatibility, getting along with the in-laws, the sexual relationship, family planning methods, why marriages and partnerships fail.

Reproduction: Signs of pregnancy, visiting the doctor, antenatal care, problems of subfertility, breast care, smoking and alcohol, risks of HIV/AIDS, rubella and herpes infections, drug risks, the pill and x-rays, excessive weight gains, haemorrhages and toxaemia, urinary infections, the RH factor, multiple pregnancy, development of the foetus, stages of labour, caesarian section, emergency confinement.

Advice for Mother: getting adequate sleep, coping with stress, eating wisely, overweight and postnatal exercise, breastfeed or bottle-feed?, breast self-examination, cosmetic breast surgery, smear test, cancer of the uterus, urinary disorders, PMS and period pains, menstrual migraine, monilial and other infections, toxic shock, STIs.

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